구분 과정 교과목명 영문 교과목명
석 사
연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅰ Research Ethics & Research Project Ⅰ
박 사
연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅱ Research Ethics & Research Project Ⅱ
공 통
실험계획학 Experinental Design
식물유전자원학특론 Advanced plant genetic Resources
약용식물효능론 Efficacy of Medicinal Plant
천연물생합성론 Biosynthesis of Natural Products
기기분석특론 Advanced Instrumental Analysis
전공세미나 Seminar
특용 식물학 전공
식물생리학특론 Advanced Plant Physiology
사포닌화학 Saponin Chemistry
스테로이트화학 Steroid Chemistry
특용식물가공특론 Advanced Industrial Plant Processing
특용식물학특론 Advanced Industrial Plant Biology
식물보호특론 Advanced Plant Protection
인삼제조학특론 Advanced Ginseng Manufacturing Technology
식물성분분석학특론 Advanced Chemical Analysis of Plant
천연물화학특론 Advanced Chemistry of Natural Product
식물육종학특론 Efficacy of Medicinal Plant
자원식물개발론 Applied Plant Biology
식물성분이용론 Exploitation of Biologically Active Components of Plant
생물소재개발특론 Advanced Biomaterial Development
본초학특론 Advanced Herbology
약초품질관리특론 Advanced Quality Control of Medicinal Plant
인체생리학특론 Advanced Human Physiology
약용식물분류학특론 Advanced Medicinal Plant Taxonomy
인삼성분학특론 Advanced Ginseng Chemistry
독성학특론 Advanced Toxicology
분자생물학특론 Advanced Molecular Biology
세포유전학특론 Advanced Cytogenetics
식물유전공학특론 Advanced Plant Genetic Engineering
식물분자육종학특론 Advanced Plant Molecular Breeding
식물유전체학 Plant Genomics
약용식물학특론 Advanced Medicinal Plant
생리활성천연물학 Bioactive Natural Products
식물세포배양공학 Plant Tissue Culture engineering
유전자조작론 Gene Manipulation
특용식물 후생유전학 Industrial Crop Epigenetics
기능성 펩타이드 Functional Peptide
세포신호전달기작론 Cell Signal Transduction
환경보존농업론 Sustainable Agriculture
종자생산학 Seed Production
특용작물데이터분석론 Data Analysis in Industrial Crops
작물진화론 Crop Evolution
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