구분 | 과정 | 교과목명 | 영문 교과목명 |
연구과제 |
석 사 |
연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅰ | Research Ethics & Research Project Ⅰ |
박 사 |
연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅱ | Research Ethics & Research Project Ⅱ | |
공 통 |
석·박 |
실험계획학 | Experinental Design |
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식물유전자원학특론 | Advanced plant genetic Resources | |
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약용식물효능론 | Efficacy of Medicinal Plant | |
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천연물생합성론 | Biosynthesis of Natural Products | |
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기기분석특론 | Advanced Instrumental Analysis | |
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전공세미나 | Seminar | |
전공 |
석·박 |
식물생리학특론 | Advanced Plant Physiology |
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사포닌화학 | Saponin Chemistry | |
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스테로이트화학 | Steroid Chemistry | |
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특용식물가공특론 | Advanced Industrial Plant Processing | |
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특용식물학특론 | Advanced Industrial Plant Biology | |
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식물보호특론 | Advanced Plant Protection | |
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인삼제조학특론 | Advanced Ginseng Manufacturing Technology | |
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식물성분분석학특론 | Advanced Chemical Analysis of Plant | |
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천연물화학특론 | Advanced Chemistry of Natural Product | |
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식물육종학특론 | Efficacy of Medicinal Plant | |
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자원식물개발론 | Applied Plant Biology | |
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식물성분이용론 | Exploitation of Biologically Active Components of Plant | |
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생물소재개발특론 | Advanced Biomaterial Development | |
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본초학특론 | Advanced Herbology | |
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약초품질관리특론 | Advanced Quality Control of Medicinal Plant | |
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인체생리학특론 | Advanced Human Physiology | |
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약용식물분류학특론 | Advanced Medicinal Plant Taxonomy | |
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인삼성분학특론 | Advanced Ginseng Chemistry | |
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독성학특론 | Advanced Toxicology | |
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분자생물학특론 | Advanced Molecular Biology | |
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세포유전학특론 | Advanced Cytogenetics | |
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식물유전공학특론 | Advanced Plant Genetic Engineering | |
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식물분자육종학특론 | Advanced Plant Molecular Breeding | |
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식물유전체학 | Plant Genomics | |
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약용식물학특론 | Advanced Medicinal Plant | |
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생리활성천연물학 | Bioactive Natural Products | |
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식물세포배양공학 | Plant Tissue Culture engineering | |
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유전자조작론 | Gene Manipulation | |
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특용식물 후생유전학 | Industrial Crop Epigenetics | |
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기능성 펩타이드 | Functional Peptide | |
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세포신호전달기작론 | Cell Signal Transduction | |
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환경보존농업론 | Sustainable Agriculture | |
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종자생산학 | Seed Production | |
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특용작물데이터분석론 | Data Analysis in Industrial Crops | |
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작물진화론 | Crop Evolution |